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What to look for in security providers

Posted by Mark Young on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 Under: Guest Security Articles
A reputable security provider will have a good track record/history. Ask other businesses who have employed their security service to determine reputation and ethics.

Is the Security Provider listed as a Registered Member of a security organisation within your country? 
Check that this company is part of a security association within your country and not any other country. Unless of course the security association is worldwide and approved by your country's authorities. 
This brings some accountability to the service, and your insurance company will gain some comfort from this also.

What Type of Insurance Do They Have?

Your chosen security provider must have service and public liability, and if they also sell security products then they should have products liability insurance. Around $10 to $30 million coverage; of course, this will depend on what you may be protecting, and what they are offering as a service.

Is the Largest Always the Best?

Not necessarily. I have seen some big security companies employ inexperienced labour, and they offer little back up for their own guards. When you are putting out a tender for a security provider, or you are reading the proposal from a perspective provider, read and assess their tender proposal very carefully.

Some things that you should be looking for are:

  • What type of security guard service are they offering? Is it 24/7? Or is it part time? 
  • What background, experience and training do the guards have? 
  • It may seem obvious - do all the security guards have a current police clearance? 
  • Are they all First Aid qualified? This is a requirement by law. 
  • Are they experienced in emergency management - for crime, fire and flood events? 
  • If you have a designated singular security supervisor or chief guard, is there a succession plan? 
  • Will the designated security supervisor/ chief guard have all hours and all areas access? 
  • If so, can their background and integrity be guaranteed? Aside from the mandatory police clearance has their background been thoroughly checked? Do they or any of their relatives have criminal convictions? 
  • What are their handover procedures for shifts, information and in the event of an incident? How is this done? 
  • What checks and backup does the security provider offer should their guards call in sick or fail to show up on site? Does your security provider review their guards' performance regularly? 
  • What 'goodwill' services would the company provide, in regard to going the extra distance such as guards staying on longer if needed or extra guards being supplied at short notice? 
  • If requested, will the security company be willing to change a guard? What is their procedure? 
  • Will there be a regular rotation of guards who may be unfamiliar to our site, or will it be a more stable service? 
  • Read and fully understand the security contract and be clear as to what circumstances would allow you to terminate the contract. 
  • Ask if the guards you are being supplied are culturally aware and sensitive to ethnic customs and differences. If your company requires security guards who are culturally aware it is recommended that you stipulate this and ensure that it is stated in the security contract that these type of guards will always be available. Ask if this will be possible... 
  • Is there a liaison officer from the security company to deal with any issues if and when they arise?

Now that you have chosen a Security Provider, whatever you spend on your security; it needs to be targeted, effective and value for money.

In : Guest Security Articles 

Tags: security providers warrington   
