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Showing Tag: "working as a door supervisor" (Show all posts)

Career as a Door Supervisor

Posted by Mathew Holt on Sunday, October 11, 2020, In : Becoming A Door Supervisor 
Want to get into a career as a door supervisor? Well here are a few requirements to give you an idea of if you are right for the job.

You must be 18 years of age or older to meet the requirements of Door Supervisor training


Door supervisor work requires a certain degree of flexibility with your availability. Generally speaking, peak times for supervising work are evenings and weekends. 9 to 5 jobs may be available, but it’s likely you’ll be required to work unsociable hours. Bein...

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Information on working as a Door Supervisor

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Friday, February 2, 2018, In : Information On Becoming A Door Supervisor 
Common sense and the ability to communicate effectively with people are just two of the skills required to be a good Door Supervisor. Gone are the days of the Bouncer who threw people out and asked questions later.

Door supervisors are on duty at licensed premises and places of regulated entertainment like nightclubs, pubs and discos. They are responsible for keeping order and ensuring the comfort, safety and security of customers and staff. They enforce club regulations on who can come in, an...

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