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Security risk management

Posted by Brian Wilde on Saturday, October 27, 2018 Under: Guest Security Articles
Risk management is always evolving and becoming more important in today's climate and in the future. 
You may have a small business or large, you may be running a function or other special event.

Whatever you are doing and wherever you are, risk is all around you.

Imagine a world or your state without security risk management. Look at your city and take out all of the security systems, key pads, security staff, police, army reserve, insurances, cameras, security barriers, stop lights, car security systems, street lighting, security procedures, banking passwords and codes, doors that lock etc.

What would we have? How would we live without it?

In this brief article, I have an example of risk management, and the importance of excellent security risk management.

When planning it is advised to use a security risk professional

Security risk management in business is all about putting the correct security procedures / polices in place now, and planning for the future.

Think of a flat line

Think of a circle

The flat line represents a business with little or no security risk management.

However, the circle represents complete and comprehensive management, and correct planning for the future.

The flat line is open, venerable, and open to the elements, things can fall off or jump on and there is an end and no future. The line is venerable to poor communication, misunderstanding, security breaches, possible internal theft, and site theft from external sources.

However, the circle is complete, secure and impregnable. It has a future and everything is linked within its own organization. Management and staff are confident and understand the organizations security goals and objectives.

How does your business or upcoming activity compare?

Do you think you may have a flat line, half circle, a circle with a segment still missing, or a complete circle? 
How did the flat line work towards becoming a circle?

The flat line found that after a security risk analysis had been conducted, they were inefficient, unsecured, had possible insurance liability issues and they needed immediate change.

The flat line implemented security procedures and polices that managed these identified risks and threats.

In this example, the flat line implemented identification procedures, sign in/out procedures, secure handling and storage of records, communication between various groups and teams, and security audits that would be conducted once per year. The flat line ensured that building security, evacuation procedures, polices, and personal security being internal and external were comprehensive.

Regular meetings were conducted with the groups and teams that focused on security risk management, and associated business risk management.

However, after all of this work it was a square not a circle.

There was no complete flow, and communication still needed some improvement if they were to gain the objective of a complete circle.

How do they achieve a circle?

Through continuing to become familiar with all the procedures and polices, upgrades and security education that have just been put into place.

In : Guest Security Articles 

Tags: security risk management warrington   
