Qualities Needed To Be A Good Door Supervisor
Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Under: Door Supervisors
Working as a Door Supervisor can be a rewarding job. If you can communicate well with people it makes the job a lot easier. Gone are the days of the old bouncer throwing people out for no reason and acting like a school bully. Being firm but fair is the right approach to have. Smiling at people as they approach the venue and a simple greeting goes a long way. It puts people at ease and makes you approachable. A Door Supervisor is there to make sure people have a good time, to keep order which means looking after the venue and the people in it. You obviously have to eject the trouble maker which makes for a better atmosphere.

What qualities do you need to be a good Door Supervisors ? they come with experience and working at different venues. Some weeks you could be covering a company event, at such an events incidents are very rare you just have to be a good communicator accommodating up to a certain point. These are very easy to cover and you are basically just a presence to stop unauthorized access. Other times you could be covering a Nightclub or a busy bar. At these venues you are working with other Door Supervisors so communication with other members of staff and being able to defuse incidents before they get out of hand is the key. Having good awareness of your surroundings and what is going on in the venue. Spotting the trouble makers and the ones that have had too much to drink and are becoming a nuisance.
Not everyone is cut out to be a Door Supervisor, if you can't communicate and have no common sense or don't like confrontation it isn't the job for you. My advice is once you get your SIA licence don't jump in the deep end and get a full time position in a busy Nightclub. Start off by doing the odd night and see if you like the job and more importantly if you can do it. I've come across people that have got their SIA licence and don't even last a night or hide when there is any sort of confrontation. So before paying out all that money go to a venue and chat to some Door Supervisors and ask if you can spend some time with them to see what the job involves. Some will knock you back but you will get some that will help you out.

Your confidence will increase with experience and dealing with different situations. Listen to more experienced members of staff as they are there to help you. Use your eyes and ears when covering a venue and try to stay calm. If people know you are new to the job they will try it on, if in doubt ask advice from an experienced member of staff. Good luck and if the job is done properly you won't have many incidents to deal with and grow to enjoy it.
In : Door Supervisors
Tags: professional door supervisors north west