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Helpful Tips To Improve Your Security Guard Service

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 Under: Security Guards
Review The Supervision System For Security Guards

Having a security contractor with adequate systems for remotely supervising your security guards is one of the most important factors for ensuring a good service. If your security contractor is not providing adequate supervision, your security guards will not be properly trained and unmotivated to carry out their duties to a good standard.


Also, when your security guards aren't supervised they often feel that the job they are performing isn't important. Subsequently, they often adopt unprofessional behaviour such as sleeping while on duty, looking untidy and even stealing. Before signing a contract with a security guard company, find out how it will carry out security guard supervision. Supervision may be provided in several forms including: RANDOM SPOT CHECKS using area supervisors. HOURLY GUARD CHECK-INS.

Assess The Training Provided To The Guards

If you are not satisfied with the service your security guards are providing, chances are their training has been poor. To improve your security guard service, assess the on-site training for things such as: WHETHER THE TRAINING OCCURRED AT YOUR PROPERTY? - WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THE TRAINING? - HOW LONG WAS THE TRAINING FOR EACH GUARD?. The best way to assess the training is to sit through it yourself, to see how the security guards are being prepared to provide a security service at your property.

Verify Your Security Guards Qualification  

In the UK security guards have to go through four days of training and pass an exam before they are issued with an SIA security licence. The licence should be visibly worn by the security guard at all times. Check to see if the licence belongs to the security guard. An example of a licence is shown below. 

Additionally, for your peace of mind you should reserve the right to interview the security guard yourself, before they are assigned to your property. The initial interview is a good way of finding out what you can expect from the security guards. After the interview if you don't find the guard to be a good match, you can ask for a different security guard.

Perform Inspections To Improve Your Security

When possible, stopping by your property unannounced after normal hours is a great way of finding out how your security operates when your not there. While performing your inspection question your guards about their duties to ensure they understand their jobs. 

Meet Regularly With Your Security Contractor

The easiest way to improve your security is to meet regularly with your security guard contractor. These meetings can be formal or informal and can even be conducted over the phone or on Skype. The purpose of these meetings should be to provide the contractor with feedback about security guard performance. By providing them with regular feedback, you will find different ways of improving the security service.

To Improve Your Security Services Choose A Quality Contractor  

As with anything in life what you put in is what you get out. Although many security guard companies may seem the same, the quality assurance programs that help ensure that you and your customers are happy with your service aren't free. So access the track record and ability of your vendors and choose one that will be able to truly meet your needs. Also, as mentioned in the previous post you get what you pay for. If you hire a cheap security contractor the service is going to be poor.

In : Security Guards 

Tags: security guards  security officers  manned guarding   
