24 Hour Security Services 07874014305

Good practice following Physical Interventions

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Friday, March 16, 2018 Under: Skills For Security
Accessing help and support

There is always a potential for physical and psychological harm to staff and the individuals they are dealing with following an incident where force has been used. It is important where practicable to observe for adverse reactions including changes in well being, mood and behaviour that can occur immediately following an incident, or even days and weeks later.

Types of support mechanisms

  • Support from colleagues, friends and family
  • Line management support
  • Employee support services
  • Specialist support - counselling, psychiatric and psychological services
  • Charities and voluntary organisations

Learning from the incident

It is important to share learning from experiences with colleagues and employers, so that situations needing physical intervention can be reduced, or managed more safely. Tertiary response includes providing post incident support and managing the situation through to recovery. Incident reporting, review and learning will provide feedback for review of primary preventive measures in a continuous improvement cycle.

Good practice will include:
  • A thorough team debrief following every incident involving the use of physical intervention to identify how a similar situation could now be avoided, what went well and what could have been done better.
  • Identification of individual learning and organisational learning.
  • Review reported incidents and risk assessments and consult with staff and where practicable service users.
  • Identify the types of intervention being used in the workplace, the frequency and effectiveness of these, injury rate, and impact on staff, service users and organsation. Target a reduction in the use of physical intervention.
Spartan 24 Hour Security provide smart, professional Door Supervisors for bars, clubs and events.

In : Skills For Security 

Tags: physical interventions  good practice after physical interventions   
