Good Customer Service Is Important
Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 Under: Customer Service
In the not too distant past security guards were arguably deemed by outsiders to be a none too friendly bunch where protection of both the people and/or property under their control came before any kind of customer consideration. However in the 21st century security job roles have changed and ultimately this means that security companies are having to take on more customer-focused roles.

Previously security guards were mostly seen on construction sites, military establishments, and large scale businesses where they would present an imposing view when any ‘would-be’ visitor happened to rock up at the gate. They would look you up and down at length before deciding whether to let you in or send you away. Nowadays however things are very different and the changing roles of the security industry places security guards in a wide variety of areas including shopping centres, schools, hospitals, and office blocks as well as gated communities and at festivals or music events. All of these demand a more customer focused approach.
You’ve only got to look at the role of the concierge security guard to see just how closely related customer service and security have become. Now security guards placed on reception areas in large scale corporate businesses or apartment buildings are expected to meet and greet people, offer help, and give instructions to a wide variety of people. Even 20 years ago it could be argued that these two roles would never have even been considered in the same breath; but an increasing demand for security in areas that already have a strong customer service ethic has resulted in the creation of the concierge security guard. Nowadays concierge security guards are highly sought after because of their specialised skills and is one of the most well paid roles in the security industry.

Because of the level of threat more security guards will be seen in places like shopping centres, schools, and even popular restaurants where they will have to balance the problem of protecting the public within and looking after their needs and/or requirements. In addition with the advent of social media it’s all to easy for a customer to post a less than
satisfactory comment about a particular guard and that’s easily reflected on the company they work for. As such more security companies will need to engage with the public via social media channels about what they do, and inevitably that means increasing their transparency.
At Spartan 24 Hour Security we always place customer service at the heart of everything we do while also taking maximum care to protect the public, property, and uphold security. If you need a security guard for your event, business, or personal protection, then contact us on 07874014305 and talk to our experienced team for a no-obligation quote.
In : Customer Service
Tags: security customer service