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Female Door Supervisors

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Saturday, June 10, 2017 Under: Female Door Supervisors
A door supervisors typical duties include checking identification at the door, removing unruly patrons from a bar or club and moving equipment and products around. The traditional view of a door supervisor is that of a huge, tough, male brawler. Women do work as door supervisors, however, and some bar owners think they do at least as good a job.

At the Door

The primary position for a door supervisor when clubs open or bars pick up at night is at the door checking IDs. One of the door supervisors key roles is to spot fake IDs or underaged, would-be patrons and turn them away. This can lead to grief from those trying to sneak their way in. A female door supervisor who conveys an assertive and matter-of-fact attitude when necessary but an otherwise pleasant demeanor is a perfect fit.

In the Crowds

The other key, challenging role of a door supervisor is to resolve conflicts or break up crowds in a club or bar to prevent fights and damage. Conventional wisdom has it that a male bouncer works better for this role. Some bar owners emphasise the importance of a door supervisor with strong people skills and the ability to de-escalate a situation, however. This may lead to a preference for an assertive but calm female who may have less propensity to fight than a male.

Other Duties as Assigned

The more front-and-centre roles of a door supervisor aren't always in play, so bar owners rely on door staff to pitch in with other tasks when not at the door or dealing with a problem. Hauling kegs, pushing dollies with products, moving tables and chairs and occasional cleaning are among the other jobs security may take on. A helpful attitude and a reasonable level of physical strength are necessary for success in these roles.

External Factors

The nature of the work affects a door supervisors life both on the job and away from work. Door staff commonly start a shift between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. and work until 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. Thus, an ability to stay up late and stay alert is key. You also need a tolerance for crowd noise and loud music in some environments. In busier, more intense clubs and bars, a high stress tolerance also helps in dealing with patron difficulties.

In : Female Door Supervisors 

Tags: female  door supervisors  bouncers   
