Are security guards needed for business?
Posted by Ella Fisher on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Under: Security Guards
Does your business really need Security Guards? To take a logic position on this question one should first define the security needs of the enterprise, and then examine how such a service would provide the sought benefits.

The first part of the above sentence is probably best answered by hiring the services of a security consultant because the aspects to be considered are too many and too complex for the average businessman to deal with them alone.
Security Guards are uniformed personnel that are employed to protect property and people from all kinds of dangers. Uniforms give the guards high visibility. This helps to deter theft of property or other illegal actions. Furthermore it makes them readily identifiable and available to the public in case their assistance is needed.
They perform their task by standing at the gate or at the door to discourage or to deny admittance of undesired callers, to guide legitimate visitors to their destination, and to make sure that only paid for goods are taken away.
They may also patrol the premises on foot for caring for problems before they become big issues, for maintaining order, and if summoned by loudspeakers or otherwise they hasten to the place requiring their immediate action.
If surveillance cameras are displayed they may have to scan screens and monitors in a central control room and dispatch other guards if their observations request intervention in person.
When action is needed they are responsible to alert the proper authorities like the police or the fire department, after they manage to do whatever they can with the tools they are allowed to use.
Except for small enterprises, where an internal security department may cater to all needs, the practical solution for larger size businesses is probably to request the services of trusted external companies that specialize in security as their only job, including recruiting, training and managing people in their day to day operation.
It is uncommon that security guards be authorized to perform arrests if needed, but they certainly can summon police or authorized personnel, can ask for personal identification of suspects and, given their training, they are in the best position to submit witnessing, if required.
Many insurance companies will allow discounts to the companies employing a full time security guard service, because of the lower risks. The security Guards service has to be integrated with the comprehensive security plan established for the whole enterprise.
It is widely recognized that the number of Security Guards to be employed in the coming years is going to grow substantially, given the uncertain climate and the perceived dangers of disruptive attacks suddenly surfacing in unforseeable locations all over the world.
In : Security Guards
Tags: static security guards liverpool